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Some time ago I was working on a project called The Kenpo Journal.  It was an accumulation of information on Ed Parker and American Kenpo.  During the process, I accumulated a fair number of articles that were written by, or about Ed Parker.


As you read these articles, you can't help but see how determined Mr. Parker was, in regard to his art of American Kenpo. He once told me he was a "Visionary" and he knew everything he would accomplish in a day, a week, a month - in his life!


Note: There are a fair number of typos in these articles. I purposefully left those from the original text and accidentally left some of my own. 


Word count for the below articles has reached 78,843 words - Enjoy

  • Set 9: Locked Wing (Hammer Lock)
    1. Move your right arm around behind your back as an attacker from 7:30 puts you in a hammerlock. 2. Step to 4:30 with your left foot into a rear crossover as you execute a left outward elbow strike to your attacker's head. 3. Unwind so you are facing your attacker at 7:30 and loop your left arm under their right arm. 4. Step back with your right foot towards 4:30 into a rear crossover and unwind into a horse stance facing 1:30 as you break your attacker's elbow. 5. Pivot into them, facing 10:30, and execute a right knee strike to your attacker's mid-section as you push down on them to gain more force. 6. Land in a right neutral bow facing 10:30 as you push your attacker away. 7. Step forward with your left foot to 10:30 into a left neutral bow as you pull through with both of your arms.
  • Set 11: Wings of Silk (Rear: Attempted Bear Hug)
    Notes to come
  • Set 5: Crossing Talon [Fulcrum version] (Cross Right Wrist Grab)
    1. As an attacker from 10:30 grabs your right hand with their right hand; use your left hand to pin theirs. 2. Step towards 1:30 with your left foot into a front crossover. Unwind as you use the pressure of your left elbow against their right elbow joint to push them over. 3. Execute a left outward elbow to their temple as your right hand pulls them into the strike. 4. Reach down and claw their face; as you pull up, loop your arm clockwise so you execute an inward overhead elbow down onto their back.
  • Set 1: Destructive Twins (Two-Hand Lapel Grab)
    1. Step your right foot forward into a right neutral bow as you execute a 'U' punch towards 12 o'clock. [Your left hand should be striking at your attacker's face and your right hand striking at the groin.] 2. Shift your right foot towards 1:00 as your execute a left outward block and chamber your right hand. 3. Execute a left hand spear towards your attacker's eyes. 4. With that left hand, grab them and pull them into a right reverse punch as you shift into a horse stance facing 10:30. 5. Pull your right foot to your left in a cat stance facing 12 o'clock as you execute two thumb pokes to their eyes as in the beginning of Thrusting Wedge.
  • Set 4: Circling Wing (Two-Hand Rear Shoulder Grab)
    1. Turn towards 9:00 in a right forward bow as you execute a right outward overhead elbow that goes into chamber to capture your attacker's arms and a left closed two-finger spear to their eyes. 2. Execute a right upward elbow strike as you shift into a right neutral bow. 3. Pivot into a right reverse bow as you execute a right back hammerfist to their groin. (Your left hand guards at your right shoulder.)
  • Set 10: Crossed Twigs (Rear: Wrist Grab)
    Notes to come
  • Set 3: Twirling Wings (Rear: Two-Hand Stiff-Arm Shoulder Grab)
    1. Place your hands at your left hip, left fist palm up and right fist on top in vertical fashion. Cover with your right foot by moving it to 3 o'clock. 2. Turns towards 3 o'clock into a right forward bow as you execute a right outward block and a left inward elbow. (The left fist should touch the right elbow.) 3. Step your left foot to 3 o'clock into a left forward bow as you execute a right hand rake across your attacker's eyes (moving from right to left) and execute a left back knuckle strike to your attacker's ribs (also moving from right to left). Stop this motion when they have finished their path of motion at your left hip; left palm up, right on top.
  • Set 2: Crashing Wings (Rear Bear Hug; Arms Free)
    1. Step your right foot to 3 o'clock into a horse stance as you send two outward overhead elbows down into your attacker's elbows. (These strikes will be close to your body.) 2. Pull your left foot to your right into a transitional cat stance facing 12 o'clock. Step your left foot towards 7:30 behind your attacker using your left knee to buckle their right leg. 3. Shift into a left forward bow as you execute a left outward elbow and follow with a right hammerfist that comes over and down onto their chest.
  • Set 12: Conquering Shield (Left Stiff-Arm Lapel Grab)
    1. An attacker from 1:30 grabs your lapel with their left arm. 2. Simultaneously pin your attacker's left arm with your left hand as you execute a right vertical forearm strike to your attacker's left elbow to break and execute a right front snap kick to the inside of your attacker's right leg. 3. As you land, plant your right foot to 1:30 into a right neutral bow as you have your right arm glance up from it's forearm strike and then strike down with a right outward overhead elbow to your attacker's left forearm. 4. Execute a right upward elbow strike to your attacker's chin. 5. Follow-up with a right overhead claw to your attacker's face.
  • Set 6: Scraping Hoof (Full Nelson)
    1. Pull your feet to about half-a-shoulder width apart as you push down with your arms and send your head back to break their attempted full nelson. 2. Execute a right rear kick into their left knee. 3. Execute a right knife-edge kick to their right knee. 4. Scrape down their shin and stomp on their right foot.
  • Set 7: Fatal Cross (Two-Hand Push)
    1. Step towards 10:30 with your right foot into a right neutral bow as you knock away your attacker's hands by "swimming" out with them and circling them in beside you. Execute two middle-knuckle strikes (palm up) to their solar plexus. 2. Loop your hands in and them strike out with two scissoring backfists to your attacker's face. 3. Loop your hands again and execute a cross-block to your attacker's midsection. 4. Loop once more and execute two scissoring one-finger pokes to your attacker's eyes.
  • Set 13: Striking Serpent's Head (Front Tackle)
    1. An attacker grabs you from 1:30. 2. Step back with your right foot to 7:30 as you execute a left inverted backknuckle strike to their head and pull back on their hair, exposing their throat. 3. Execute a right half-fist to your attacker's throat. 4. Step your right foot to 3 o'clock, ending in a meditative horse stance. [This can also resemble a strike.] Repeat on opposite side Salutation
  • Set 8: Grip of Death (Side Headlock)
    1. Step forward with your left foot towards 10:30 and simultaneously execute a right hammerfist to your attacker's kidneys and a left hammerfist to your attacker's groin. 2. Reach over and grab your attacker's face (nose, mouth, or hair) with your right hand. 3. Stand in a right neutral bow facing 4:30 as you simultaneously pull back on your attacker's face and execute a left palm strike to their face.
  • 8. Mace of Aggression (Front: Two Handed Lapel Grab)
    Theme: The theme of this technique is to convert what once was a defensive motion (when retreating) into an offense motion (when advancing) due to the depth factors. 1. While Standing Naturally, with your opponent grabbing your lapel with both of his hands, while pulling you in and toward him, execute a right stomp on the arch of your opponent’s right foot. Simultaneously strike diagonally through the bridge of your opponent’s nose with a right inward downward raking back knuckle strike (toward 10:30). Have your left hand pin and check both of your opponent’s hands to your chest at the same time the stomp and strike are taking place. (Your opponent’s knees should buckle from the stomp as your back knuckle strike breaks his nose and momentarily drives his head away.) 2. Continue the motion of your right arm traveling horizontally and down, so your right arm strikes both of your opponent’s forearms which, in turn, will force your opponent to bend forward. 3. Immediately execute a right inward horizontal elbow strike to the left side of your opponent’s jaw making sure that you follow through with your action. (This will turn your opponent’s head to his right.) 4. Without hesitation return with a right outward horizontal elbow strike to the right side of your opponent’s jaw. (This will force your opponent away from you.)
  • 1. Delayed Sword (Front: Right Hand Lapel Grab)
    Theme: This technique was designed to teach you how to create distance while blocking your opponent's extended arm with your forward arm. You can then follow up with a longer-range weapon (in this case a kick using the forward or lead leg) to a target that is further removed from you. It also teaches you how to gauge distance with your kicking leg, which in turn enables you to properly gauge the distance of your extended hand weapon. 1. While Standing Naturally, step back with your left foot toward 6:00 into a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00, while simultaneously executing a right inward block to the right inner wrist of your opponent. At the same time position your left hand at solar-plexus level as a precautionary check against further action. (Your block should clear your opponent’s right arm, and expose the width of his body.) 2. Immediately slide your right foot back into a cat stance. 3. Without hesitation deliver a right front snap ball kick to your opponent’s groin. (Your opponent’s reaction should cause him to bend forward at the waist.) 4. Plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow (facing 12:00) to check your opponent’s right knee, as you deliver a right outward handsword strike to the right side of your opponent’s neck. Remember to maintain the position of your left hand as a precautionary check. Immediately slide your right hand (after the strike) to the right wrist of your opponent as a precautionary check. (Your opponent’s response should cause him to fall to the ground.)
  • 6. The Grasp of Death (Left Flank: Right Headlock)
    Theme: This technique is to acquaint you with a flank attack and one that is also a life-threatening attack. It further introduces simple body and foot maneuvers. When such positions are obtained they will thwart or decrease the effectiveness of your opponent's attack. We encourage you to also learn from this technique the priorities of self preservation. 1. With your head forced to bend forward and your opponent to your left flank (applying a headlock with his right arm), initiate your action by tucking your chin to the left and against your chest, as you grab your opponent’s right wrist with your right hand. All of this is done as your right foot steps toward 12 o’clock into a right close kneel stance while simultaneously grabbing your opponent’s right inner thigh with your left hand pinching the flesh of that leg with as much strength as possible (Crab-Hand Pinch). Your opponent will experience a horse-bite effect if it is done correctly. Be sure you continue checking the outside of your opponent’s right leg with your left knee. (Your opponent’s right knee may bend and double up or his leg may pop forward and up off the ground. In addition your efforts should cause your opponent to loosen his grip.) 2. As your opponent reacts to your pinch and partially or totally releases his grip, have your right hand bring his right arm over your head and down to your chest, making sure that your right elbow is anchored to aid you in controlling your opponent’s Height Zones. 3. Immediately release the grip of your left hand and have your left foot step forward toward 10:30 into a left neutral bow stance as you simultaneously strike the back of your opponent’s right elbow with your left forearm while pulling in and toward you with your right hand. (This action should cause your opponent to step forward with his left foot prior to bending over at the waist.) 4. Roll your left forearm on the back of your opponent’s right elbow until your left forearm is parallel to the ground. Now strike your left hand to your opponent’s right elbow. While controlling your opponent’s right elbow with your left hand, pivot into a left forward bow, facing 10:30. As you pivot execute a right snapping vertical punch to the base of your opponent’s skull, behind his right mastoid bone. (This action should cause your opponent’s head to move away, and possibly followed by his body falling to the ground.)
  • 9. Attacking Mace (Front: Right Straight Punch to Face)
    Theme: This technique favors grabbing checks to control your opponent. It uses Reverse Motion twice. In doing this reverse combination sequence the following can be observed: Left block then right punch. Right block then left punch. 1. With your feet together, drop back with your right foot toward 6:00 into a left neutral bow stance (facing 12:00), as you execute a left inward block to the outside of your opponent’s right punch. During this action your right hand cocks forward and slightly to the right of your solar plexus (fist clenched and palm up). (You are turning the width of your opponent’s body.) 2. Immediately pivot into a left forward bow stance as you execute a right straight thrust punch to the right lower ribcage of your opponent. Make sure that your left hand is open as it checks your opponent’s right elbow. (Your action should cause your opponent to bend forward at the waist and to be forced back slightly.) 3. Circle your right hand down, out, over and around your opponent’s right arm as your countergrab the outside of your opponent’s right wrist. Immediately pull your opponent’s arm diagonally down past your right hip while simultaneously delivering a right roundhouse kick to his groin. During this action, cock your left hand slightly above your left ribcage (fist clenched and palm up). Your kick and pull should cause your opponent to bend forward even further, thus exposing his right kidney.) 4. Drop forward into a right forward bow toward 12:00, while simultaneously executing a left snapping vertical punch to your opponent’s right kidney, “with” your right leg on and over the Line of Entry. (Make sure your right knee is inside of your opponent’s right knee and pressing up against it.) Your punch combined with your buckle will drop your opponent to the ground as well as move him away from you.)
  • 4. Deflecting Hammer (Front: Right Thrusting Ball Kick to Groin)
    Theme: This technique teaches you how to create distance while employing an angle change. This is accomplished by your stepping away from, and out of the line of, your opponent's attack. Since your opponent is employing a long-range weapon, emphasis is placed on the use of foot maneuvers. Foot maneuvers are stressed because of the multiple benefits that they offer; An angle change that causes your body to be out of the Line of Attack. Simultaneous use of your foot maneuver and your blocking arm to insure the deflection of your opponent's attack. Coordination of your foot maneuver with your hand weapons 1. While Standing Naturally, step back with your left foot toward 7:30 into a right neutral bow stance (to move out of your opponent’s Line of Attack), as you simultaneously execute a right downward diagonal block against the outside of your opponent’s right kicking leg. Be sure to have your left hand check at your solar-plexus during your block. (Your opponent’s body should turn slightly to his left when your block is properly executed. Your block should additionally turn your opponent’s width and cause injury to his leg.) 2. Without hesitation and while still in your right neutral bow, shuffle forward as your left hand checks inward, toward and between your opponent’s right shoulder and biceps. Your right hand continues to circle and it will re-orbit into an inward elbow strike. (Make sure your left hand checks your opponent’s forward momentum as well as the width of his upper body.) 3. Just as you conclude your forward shuffle, execute a right inward horizontal elbow strike to your opponent’s face. This is done simultaneously “with” a left sliding check down and onto your opponent’s right elbow. (Your action should cause your opponent’s head to snap back and possibly have your opponent drop to the ground.)
  • 5. Captured Twigs (Rear: Bear Hug, Around Waist, with Arms Pinned)"
    Theme: This technique teaches you how flank movements can provide you with exceptional access to rear targets. It also teaches you how to adapt to an overwhelming attack in addition to recognizing the Availability of Targets and Availability of Weapons. 1. While Standing Naturally, with your opponent’s arms around your arms, step off and to your left toward 9 o’clock with your left foot into a horse stance (while looking over your right shoulder), as you simultaneously pin your opponent’s hand to your body with your left hand. Just as your weight settles into your horse stance execute a right back hammerfist strike to your opponent’s groin. (This action should cause your opponent to bend forward at the waist and possibly release his grasp.) 2. Immediately slide your right foot into a right cat stance (turning 90 degrees while facing 3 o’clock) as your left hand releases the pin, clears your opponent’s right arm, and covers in front of your face as a Positional Check. Simultaneous with the action of your left arm have your right hand cover your groin and proceed to clear your opponent’s left arm. 3. Execute a right heel stomp to your opponent’s left instep, causing your opponent to bend forward even further. 4. Slide your right foot back toward 3:00 into a horse stance. Immediately have your right forearm Contour up the middle of your opponent’s body as you execute a right vertical obscure elbow strike to the underside of your opponent’s chin. Have your right arm snap back after the strike and cover your groin. (Your opponent’s head should have been popped up and back and his body may also spiral away from you if done properly.)
  • 2. Alternating Maces (Front: Two-hand Chest Push)
    Theme: This technique also familiarizes us with the importance of creating distance. As the name of the technique implies, you are to learn to alternate your hands: front, then rear, and then front. Likewise you are to learn how to alternate your selected targets. The technique introduces you to the study of how to use your specific weapons to specific targets in a specific sequence of movements to calculate the reactions of your opponent. 1. While Standing Naturally, and as your opponent attempts to push you, step back with your left foot toward 6:00 into a right neutral bow stance (facing 12:00). Simultaneously execute a right inward block to the outside of your opponent’s left arm, while your left hand checks at your solar plexus. (This action should turn the width of your opponent’s body and redirect his forward momentum off center.) 2. Immediately collapse your right arm across the top of both of your opponent’s arms (to act as a check), as you deliver a left vertical thrust punch to your opponent’s sternum or solar plexus (tracking over your right arm). This is done while pivoting into a right forward bow stance. Remember both the stance change and punch must work in synchronization with each other in order to maximize the force of your left vertical thrust punch. (Your opponent’s reaction should cause his body to bend forward at the waist.) 3. Immediately convert your left punch into a check by having it shift, palm open and down, on top of both your opponent’s arms. Simultaneously have your right hand rapidly travel inside and over your left arm as you deliver a right outward back knuckle strike to your opponent’s right temple. This transition is done while pivoting back into a right neutral bow stance. (The torque stemming from your stance change helps to increase the whipping action of your right hand. Properly executed this should cause your opponent’s head to be driven up and back, with perhaps his arms flailing upward.) 4. Immediately have your right hand snap back, as it then acts as a Positional Check.
  • 3. Sword of Destruction (Front: Left Roundhouse Punch to the Head)
    Theme: This technique teaches us to apply the theme of delayed sword on the inside of either arm. 1. While Standing Naturally, step back with your left foot toward 6:00 into a right neutral bow stance (facing 12:00), as you simultaneously execute a right extended outward block to the inner forearm of your opponent’s left punch. Your left hand should be in a Positional Check, covering your solar-plexus. 2. Immediately slide your right foot back into a cat stance. 3. Without hesitation deliver a right front snap ball kick to your opponent's groin. (Your kick should cause your opponent to bend forward at the waist.) 4. Plant your right foot forward inside of your opponent’s left leg into a right neutral bow (facing 12:00), and while employing Marriage of Gravity, execute a right inward handsword strike to the left side of your opponent’s neck. (Such action should cause your opponent to fall to the ground.) 5. Immediately snap your right hand back to the left shoulder of your opponent to act as a check.
  • 10. Sword and Hammer (Right Flank: Left Hand Shoulder Grab)
    Theme: "With" is the theme of this technique. You are pinning with your left hand as you simultaneously strike with your right outward handsword. One move does not follow the other. To repeat, they are both executed simultaneously. The technique also teaches you to move into the semi unknown with confidence. Internalize this technique and you'll prevent your opponent from activating other weapons. 1. While Standing Naturally (facing 12 o’clock), your opponent (standing between 3 and 4 o’clock) grabs your right shoulder with his left hand. Step off and to your right with your right foot toward 3 o’clock into a horse stance (with your head and eyes turned toward your opponent) while striking your opponent’s throat with a right outward handsword. Simultaneous with this action, pin your opponent’s left hand to your right shoulder with your left hand. (This action should cause your opponent’s head to move away from you.) 2. As your opponent reacts to your handsword strike and bends backward, execute a right back hammerfist strike to your opponent’s groin. (Your opponent should then bend forward at the waist.)
  • 7. Checking the Storm (Front: Right Overhead Club Attack)
    Theme: This technique involves a life-threatening overhead club attack. Realizing that your opponent has a long-range weapon, your response is to move out of the Line of Attack with your feet and to also deviate the course of your opponent's weapon with your hand. Although you must get out of the Line of Attack, it is extremely important that you remain within range to effectively counter your opponent's attack. Proper positioning will also help you increase target exposure on your opponent. 1. While Standing Naturally, as your opponent swings his club in an overhead fashion, quickly step off to your right with your right foot toward 3 o’clock. Simultaneously drag your left foot toward your right foot as you form a left 45 degree cat stance facing 10:30. Without a break in the flow of your action execute a left extended outward handsword block to the inner wrist of your opponent’s right arm. During the natural flow of your motion have your right hand precede your left hand as a right parry (executed in the manner of a right inward block) that stops, hand open, to act as a check in front of your solar-plexus. 2. Immediately execute a left front snap ball kick to your opponent’s groin. (This should cause your opponent to bend forward at the waist.) 3. Plant your left foot (toward 10:00). Be sure to properly gauge the distance between you and your opponent, as you deliver a right snapping knife-edge kick to the inside of your opponent’s right knee. (Your action should cause your opponent’s right knee to bend out and away from you, but cause his head to move closer to you.) 4. Plant your right foot toward 10:00 into a right neutral bow, and while employing Marriage of Gravity, execute a right outward back knuckle strike to your opponent’s left temple, as your left hand remains checking at your solar plexus. (This action should drive your opponent’s head away from you and possibly cause his body to drop to the ground.)
  • 3. Dance of Death (Front: Straight right punch, with left leg forward)"
    Theme: This technique was designed to teach you the value of initiating your movements from their Points of Origin. The technique also introduces Family Related Moves. 1. While Standing Naturally, step toward 10:30 with your left foot into a left neutral bow (facing 12 o'clock) as you get out of the Line of Attack. Simultaneously deliver a left inward block toward and to the outside of your opponent's right punch (ending at or above the elbow) as your right arm hangs naturally to the right side of your body. (Your inward block will nullify the width of your opponent's body.) 2. Immediately pivot into a left forward bow (facing 12:00). While still maintaining a left Bracing Angle Check to your opponent's right arm with your left hand, strike to your opponent's groin with a right underhand reverse handsword. (This strike should cause your opponent to bend at the waist and possibly move back.) 3. Immediately step through with your right foot into a right neutral bow (facing 12:00), while your right inward elbow strikes horizontally to your opponent's right lower ribcage. During this action your left hand Contours down the right side of your opponent's body, slides along his right leg (which is not the lead leg), grabs the back of your opponent's right knee and then pulls toward you, so that your left hand grab concludes at your opponent's right ankle. (Be sure to have his right foot pass to the left and outside of your left thigh, and pin his right foot to your left hip with your left hand.) The pull and strike must counteract each other to be effective. (Please refer to the Notes to study the What If factors that can alter your plans.) 4. Use of precise synchronization of Body Momentum should help you to drop your opponent onto his back. In anticipation of your opponent's left leg popping up (Unintentional Move), execute a right outward back knuckle strike to the inside of your opponent's left knee. Immediately have your right hand continue in a "figure 8 pattern", drop into a right wide kneel stance, and while taking advantage of Marriage of Gravity execute a right inward downward handsword to your opponent's groin. (Be conscious of the possibility of your opponent's legs drawing together.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 7:30. 5. Now release your left hand grab and slide it from the outside of your opponent’s right heel to the top of his toes. This is done while simultaneously grabbing the outside of your opponent’s right heel with your right hand. 6. Immediately push down on your opponent’s toes with the heel of your left palm, while simultaneously pulling up and toward you, on the right outside heel of your opponent, with your right hand to explosively twist your opponent’s right ankle clockwise to sprain, or fracture, it. All action on your opponent’s ankle is coordinated with your pivoting from a right neutral bow into a right forward bow, facing 12 o’clock. Use your left hip as a contour guide. 7. Follow through with your clockwise twist and rotate your opponent onto his stomach. 8. Release the ankle grab and execute a left heel stomp to your opponent’s lower spine while simultaneously counterbalancing your action by switching your arms to the right side of your body. (Your left forearm is horizontal, to the front of your stomach, with your palm facing in. Your right arm is to the right of your right ribcage as if executing a right back elbow strike.) 9. Immediately shift your entire body weight onto your left leg as you stand on top of your opponent’s spine, have your right leg close to your left leg and plant your right foot toward 4:30 so that it ends back and to the right of your opponent’s body. 10. Lift your left leg off of your opponent’s spine, shift it back toward you (balancing your weight on your right leg), and as you re-plant it toward 10:30, have your left foot stomp and pinch your opponent’s right kidney before landing to the right of your opponent’s right ribcage. 11. Immediately drop into a left wide kneel stance, and while taking advantage of Gravitational Marriage, have your left hand check your opponent’s right shoulder blade as you execute a right inward overhead handsword to the back of your opponent’s neck. 12. Without delay raise up and execute a right heel stomp to your opponent’s upper spine. This is done while simultaneously counterbalancing your action by switching your arms to the left side of your body. (Your right forearm is horizontal, to the front of your stomach, with your palm facing in. Your left arm is to the left of your left ribcage as if executing a left back elbow strike.) 13. Immediately shift your entire body weight onto your right leg as you stand on top of your opponent’s upper spine, and have your left leg step through, and plant toward 10:30, so that it ends to the front and left of your opponent’s head, into a Zones of Sanctuary. 14. Deliver a right back heel stomp to your opponent’s head. 15. From the contact point of your stomp execute a right front crossover, and cover out twice in the direction of 10:30.
  • 18. Obscure Wing (Right flank: Left hand shoulder grab)
    Theme: The theme of this technique is to initiate your counter from your Point of Origin as well as from within the confines of your opponent's Obscure Zones. 1. With your feet together and your opponent's left hand grabbing your right shoulder, have your right foot drop to 3:00 into a horse stance (while looking at your opponent). Simultaneously deliver a right back elbow strike to your opponent's solar plexus as your left hand pins and checks your opponent's left hand to your right shoulder. (Your opponent should begin to bend forward at the waist.) 2. Deliver a right back hammerfist down to your opponent's groin (optionally, follow up with a right hand grab to your opponent's testicles). (This action will cause your opponent to bend even further.) 3. Immediately follow up with a right snapping obscure elbow strike to your opponent's chin; making sure that your right arm follows the Contour of your opponent's body. (Your opponent's head should snap back and away from you.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 10:30. 4. Immediately shoot your right foot back to seven o'clock into a right reverse bow (to buckle opponent) as you deliver a right (over the shoulder) back knuckle strike to your opponent's face. 5. Without hesitation, have your left and right hands grab your opponent's right neck and jerk his head down as you deliver a right knee kick to your opponent's face. 6. Plant your right foot slightly forward (toward 12 o'clock) into a shallow right neutral bow and immediately step back to six o'clock with your left foot, jerk, and flip your opponent on to his back. 7. Go into a left front crossover, only this time have your left foot sweep across your opponent's head and face (toward 12 o'clock). 8. Immediately hop into the air (counterclockwise) and as your left foot plants, deliver a right roundhouse kick to your opponent's solar plexus while he is still on his back. 9. Now have your right foot sweep across while striking his jaw, face, and other parts of the head (toward 6 o'clock). Then have your right foot end in a right front twist stance. 10. From your right front twist stance, cover out twice toward 7 o'clock.
  • 1. Clutching Feathers (Front: Left hand hair grab)
    Theme: This technique emphasizes how to counter your opponent's aggressive grab. It stresses the importance of canceling his ensuing threats. You are to check his actions by pinning his hand, anchoring your elbow, disrupting his balance, and causing pain to disrupt his ability to think clearly. To accomplish this you are to additionally attack the best available target with the best available weapon in the least amount of time. 1. While Standing Naturally, step back toward 6 o'clock with your left foot into a right neutral bow (facing 12 o'clock). Simultaneously pin your opponent's left hand to your head with your left hand as you thrust a right vertical middle-knuckle fist to your opponent's left armpit. (This action should cause your opponent to bend forward.) 2. As your opponent begins to bend over and toward you, pivot into a right forward bow (facing 12:00) as you deliver a left thrusting heel palm strike to your opponent's jaw, simultaneous "with" a right extended outward block to the inside of your opponent's left forearm. (Your opponent's head should snap back.) 3. Immediately pivot back to a right neutral bow (facing 12:00) while delivering a right inward raking back knuckle strike diagonally across the bridge of your opponent's nose (to cause a corrugated effect). -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 7:30. 4. Without disrupting the flow and momentum of your right hand strike, pivot counterclockwise into a right reverse bow (while slightly altering your orbit), and convert your right hand into a right downward hammerfist strike to your opponent’s groin. Simultaneously have your left hand check near the right side of your face. 5. Immediately pivot back to a right neutral bow, facing 12 o’clock, while executing a right outward back knuckle strike to the right side of your opponent’s face. Simultaneously have your left hand positionally check. 6. Utilizing Progressive Directional Harmony, have your left foot cross over and in front of your right foot into a left front twist stance, facing 12 o’clock. Prior to planting your left foot execute a left vertical punch to your opponent’s sternum, simultaneous with a right horizontal forearm check, below your left punch. As your left foot plants into the twist stance, execute a right inward horizontal elbow strike to your opponent’s left maxillary hinge. Simultaneous with this strike execute a left inward horizontal heel palm strike to his right maxillary hinge, thus causing a sandwiching effect. 7. Simultaneously, thread a right knee kick to your opponent’s groin, execute a right outward heel palm strike to his solar plexus, execute a left inward five-finger circular claw across your opponent’s face. 8. Commence by having your left hand hook around the left side of your opponent’s neck, and with your left elbow anchored, pull his head forward and down. Then simultaneously drop into a right neutral bow, facing 12 o’clock, as you execute a right inward overhead hammerfist to the back of your opponent’s neck. 9. Pivot into a transitional right reverse bow, as you roll your right forearm clockwise to hook your opponent’s head, guiding it down and toward your right leg. Instantly flow into a right knee kick to your opponent’s face. 10. From the Point of Contact of your right knee kick, execute a right front crossover and cover out twice toward 7:30.
  • 7. Lone Kimono (Front: Left hand lapel grab)
    Theme: This technique was devised because of the common practice of most Americans to grab their opponents by the shirt. The theme is similar to that of Clutching Feathers. As you'll discover, similar attacks may be countered by similar principles and/or slight alterations of these principles. 1. While Standing Naturally, step back toward 6 o'clock with your left foot into a right neutral bow (facing 12:00). Simultaneously pin your opponent's left hand to your chest, as you rotate your left hand clockwise to expose and properly position his left elbow, while delivering a right upward forearm strike against his left elbow just above the joint to cause the elbow to break. (This action can cause your opponent to rise up on the tips of his toes.) 2. Immediately circle your right arm counterclockwise (over and down) and convert it into an inward-downward strike to your opponent’s left forearm. Complete this strike with your right palm up, and your left hand checking high. Make sure that your opponent’s left arm is driven diagonally and down to your left. (This move should now cancel your opponent’s Width and Height Zones.) 3. With your action forcing your opponent’s head and body down and toward 7:30, Round Off The Corner with your right hand and immediately execute a right snapping outward handsword strike to the right side of your opponent's neck. Be sure to maintain a left hand check in the Neutral Zone. -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 7:30. 1. While Standing Naturally, step back toward 6 o'clock with your left foot into a right neutral bow (facing 12:00). Simultaneously pin your opponent's left hand to your chest, as you rotate your left hand clockwise to expose and properly position his left elbow, while delivering a right upward forearm strike against his left elbow just above the joint to cause the elbow to break. (This action can cause your opponent to rise up on the tips of his toes.) 2. Immediately have your left foot slide toward 4:30 into a right neutral bow facing 10:30 (Shorting the Circle) as you execute a right outward back knuckle strike to your opponent’s solar plexus. Your left hand continues to check your opponent’s left arm. 3. Pivot into a right forward bow, facing 10:30, as you execute a right extended outward block to the inside of your opponent’s left arm. Since this move is traveling in a Geometric Path of Action it is likely that you will also rake a back knuckle strike across your opponent’s face. Simultaneous with this action execute a left thrusting heel palm strike to your opponent’s throat. 4. Shuffle your left foot to your right foot, pivot counterclockwise, as you execute a right thrusting knife-edge kick to the inside of your opponent’s right knee. Simultaneously deliver a right inward handsword to the left side of your opponent’s neck. (The kick should make contact a 1/4 beat before the handsword.) Have your left hand positionally check near your solar plexus. 5. From the Point of Contact of your right kick, execute a right front crossover and cover out twice in the direction of 4:30.
  • 17. Locked Wing (Rear: Hammer lock)
    Theme: This hammerlock is a common attack used from the rear. It is especially used by people with wrestling, jujitsu, or law enforcement experience. You must act quickly to prevent your opponent from injuring you or directing you into a more undesirable predicament. It is a technique where you can turn the table on your opponent. What appears to be a disadvantage can readily be converted to an advantage. 1. With your opponent locking your right arm, step back to your right with your left foot (toward 4:30) into a right neutral bow (with your head still facing 12 o'clock) as your right hand countergrabs your opponent's right wrist. (Try to place your left leg inside as well as against your opponent's right leg). 2. Immediately pivot your entire body counterclockwise into a left neutral bow (or horse depending on circumstance, facing 6 o'clock) while delivering a left outward elbow strike to your opponent's left jaw. (This strike should drive your opponent's head back and away from you and in the process hyperextend his right arm.) 3. Circle your left arm over and under (counterclockwise) your opponent's right elbow as you pivot to your right (toward 10:30) into a right forward bow. With this action strike the back of your opponent's right elbow with the inner portion of your left elbow. Resembling a left uppercut punch, it is used to break or dislocate your opponent's right elbow. (This action should prop your opponent up and bring his body around toward 12 o'clock.) 4. While applying steady pressure on your opponent's right elbow, drop back with your right foot toward 6 o'clock into a left forward bow (facing 12 o'clock). Immediately release your right hand as you deliver a right knee strike to your opponent's chest synchronized "with" a right inward overhead heel palm strike to the back of your opponent's neck thus causing a sandwiching effect. Your left arm is still controlling your opponent's right arm in the process. (This action should stagger your opponent.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 6:00. 5. Follow through by planting your right foot forward and toward 11 o'clock into a right neutral bow. As you drop have your right heel palm slide down and contour the left side of your opponent's face, having all of the fingers of your right hand reach beyond the bridge of his nose. 6. Without delay execute a right five finger claw across your opponent's face as that hand pulls and rips toward you. Simultaneously have your left hand (that is controlling your opponent's right arm) reach under your opponent's right armpit and grab as well as squeeze the meaty portion of the right side of his chest, with your left hand. 7. Shift your left foot counterclockwise (toward 1:30) as your right hand is now used to grab and pull your opponent's left shoulder counterclockwise and toward you, while simultaneously having your left hand switch to the back and top of your opponent's right shoulder as it is then used to push him away. 8. As your opponent’s body turns counterclockwise 180 degrees, drop into a right wide kneel stance, facing 7:30 and vigorously force your opponent’s spine onto your right knee. Your opponent should be positioned so that his feet are toward 7:30 and his head is toward you. (This should cause intolerable pain.) 9. With your opponent on your right knee execute a right upward back knuckle strike to the left side of your opponent’s jaw, as your right hand continues its action and converts into a right five-finger claw across his face, and flows counterclockwise into a right inward overhead hammerfist strike to your opponent’s heart or left collar bone. 10. Accentuate the fall of your opponent onto his back (so that he hits the ground with force, in hope of further injury) by sliding your right foot back and toward 12 o’clock and immediately pivot clockwise into a right close kneel stance, facing 10:30, as your left knee drops with energetic force onto your opponent’s throat. 11. Spring up and execute a left back heel stomp kick to your opponent’s face. 12. From your left stomp proceed into a left front crossover, and cover out twice toward 12 o’clock.
  • 6. Locking Horns (Front headlock)
    Theme: This technique was developed to acquaint you with one of the more common attacks prevalent in today's environment. It is an attack that normally occurs prior to a series of follow-up strikes. It is imperative that you counter locks, or chokes, while simultaneously utilizing offenses and defensive responses. 1. With your feet in line with each other and your body bent forward (caused by your opponent applying a front headlock using his right arm to lock you with) simultaneously step forward with your right foot toward 11 o'clock into a right wide kneel stance between your opponent's legs, deliver a right underhand reverse handsword to your opponent's groin, have your left hand check just above your opponent's right knee while turning your chin to the left and tucking it against your chest to prevent your opponent from cutting off your air supply. (Your opponent should loosen his grip and bend forward at the waist. Depending on the effectiveness of your strike, your opponent's legs can conceivably move back and away from you.) 2. Immediately follow-up with a right vertical obscure elbow strike to the underside of your opponent's jaw, "with" your left hand still checking the knee, and while keeping low in your right neutral bow. (This elbow strike should force your opponent's head up in preparation for the next strike.) 3. After snapping your opponent's jaw upward with your right obscure elbow, simultaneously shuffle forward, deliver a right inward horizontal elbow strike to the left side of your opponent's jaw, along with a left heel palm strike that hooks in and to the right side of your opponent's jaw. (The force of this sandwich may cause your opponent to pass out and fall to the ground.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 7:30. 4. Left front crossover (toward 12 o’clock) into a left front twist stance as your execute a right outward horizontal back knuckle strike to your opponent’s right floating ribs, simultaneous with a left heel palm push-down strike to your opponent’s solar plexus (fingers are horizontal and pointed in). Your left arm is over that of your right arm. 5. Without delay, deliver a right knee kick to your opponent’s groin. This action is done while threading your kick from your left front twist stance. 6. From the position of your right knee kick, immediately have your right foot stomp your opponent’s right instep. 7. With your right foot still planted on your opponent’s right foot, have your left foot cross back of your right foot and stomp his left instep. 8. Left step through reverse, right front crossover, and cover out twice toward 7:30.
  • 5. Gift of Destruction (Front: Handshake)
    Theme: This technique was devised to acquaint you with the parallels that exist with similar types of attacks. Recognizing these similarities will in turn teach you that identical answers can be duplicated. Examination will indicate that a wrist grab is no more than a handshake that has missed its mark. Therefore, although this technique is an unfriendly handshake you may basically counter it as you would a right cross wrist grab. 1. With your right hand shaking your opponent's right hand, hop forward and slightly to your left to 11 o'clock, with your left foot, as your right hand Jerks your opponent's right hand toward, and diagonally down past your right hip (taking advantage of your opponent's dead weight to launch you forward). This action is aided by rotating your right arm clockwise so that the palm of your right hand faces up. This should aid you in properly exposing the joint of your opponent's right arm. 2. With the above action, simultaneously strike in and against the joint your opponent's right elbow with your left heel palm, as you deliver a right knee kick to your opponent's groin. (This dual action should check your opponent's Height Zones and Width Zones, as well as force him to bend forward at the waist.) 3. Plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow, simultaneously buckle the inside of your opponent's right knee with your right knee, deliver a right inward elbow strike to the left side of your opponent's jaw, as your left hand checks down and on top of your opponent's right arm. (This action should cause your opponent's head to move back and away from you.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 7:30. 4. Immediately slide your left foot counterclockwise (up the circle) toward 4:30 (into a right neutral bow) as you grab your opponent’s right shoulder with your right hand to pull your opponent down and toward you. Simultaneously, and as part of the continuous flow of your left hand, execute a left inward heel palm five-finger claw to the right side of your opponent’s face. (Because of the difference of distance of travel, your right hand shoulder grab should slightly precede the left heel palm claw strike.) When properly executed the Body Momentum of your left foot sliding up the circle should add to the force of your left heel palm strike and claw. As part of the continuous flow of action have your right hand release its grab and positionally check low (in the vicinity of your navel). 5. Without hesitation, pivot into a right forward bow as you execute a right outward raking back knuckle strike to the right side of the bridge of your opponent’s nose to break it. As part of the continuous flow of action simultaneously thrust a left outward heel palm down on top of your opponent’s left hip. 6. Immediately reverse the motion of your right hand and execute a right inward downward hammerfist strike to your opponent’s left jaw hinge in order to break or dislocate it. 7. As you continue the flow of your right hammerfist strike (and without loss of Body Momentum), have your left foot shift a little to your right into a side horse stance, settle your weight, while simultaneously delivering a right downward hammerfist strike to your opponent’s upper abdominal region (slightly looping - with your right elbow anchored). Have your left hand switch and positionally check in front of your right chest. (This strike should interrupt his breathing.) 8. Execute a left front crossover toward 10:30, and during your transitional left front twist stance deliver a left thrusting vertical punch to the left side of your opponent’s head. During this action have your right arm check horizontally in front of you to cancel your opponent’s arms. 9. Thread a right knee kick to the inside of your opponent’s right knee. 10. From the Point of Contact (of your right knee kick) diversify your Angle of Attack by dropping your right foot toward 1:30 into a right reverse bow to buckle the inside of your opponent’s left knee. Simultaneous with this action deliver a left inward horizontal heel palm claw to the right side of your opponent’s face, and a right downward heel palm to his groin. 11. From the Point of Contact (of your buckle) execute a right front crossover and cover out twice in the direction of 7:30.
  • 20. Thrusting Prongs (Front: Bear hug - arms pinned)
    Theme: The theme of this technique lies in the initial approach of countering the attack. It introduces the idea of approaching an opponent's frontal target from an obscure zone. Its obscure delivery is such that the opponent is oblivious to the impending strikes. 1. Step back with your right foot toward 6 o'clock into a left forward bow (facing 12:00). (You will probably modify it because of the pressure of the bear hug). Have only your right foot move back and not the upper body. Simultaneously thrust both of your thumbs up and to your opponent's groin (keeping thumbs together). (Your opponent should bend forward at the waist as will as move his feet back and away form you.) 2. Now strike your opponent's groin with your right knee as your left hand circles over and on top of your opponent's right arm (forming the shape of the crane) and pins (with the assistance of your anchored left elbow) your opponent's right arm to you. Simultaneous with the above two actions cock your right hand to your right hip as a clearing check of your opponent's left arm as well as in preparation for the next strike. (This knee strike should magnify the damage to your opponent's groin.) 3. With your right knee in his groin, immediately deliver a right knife-edge kick to the inside of your opponent's left shin. (This action should force your opponent's left leg outward.) 4. Scrape your opponent's shin with your right foot and convert the scrape into a right stomp to your opponent's left instep. Simultaneously deliver a right inward horizontal elbow strike to the right side of your opponent's face or ribs, depending on the size of your opponent. (This strike should drive your opponent's head up and away from you.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 7:30. 5. Immediately have your right foot slide toward 7:30 into a left neutral bow, facing 1:30 as your right hand hooks to the right side of your opponent’s neck and head to force his head down (forming the shape of the crane with your right elbow anchored). While simultaneously executing a left inward overhead handsword to the back of your opponent’s neck, at the precise moment your right hand clears his neck and acts as a Positional Check near your stomach. The chop should force your opponent’s head down even further. 6. As your left hand continues its downward journey on the back of your opponent’s neck, take advantage of Borrowed Force by simultaneously executing a right knee kick to your opponent's face. During this action have your right hand cock just above your right ear (palm out). 7. From the position of your right knee kick have your right foot plant directly under your opponent’s head into a right neutral bow, facing 1:30 (modifying the depth as necessary) as you simultaneously execute a right inward overhead handsword to the back of your opponent’s neck, using Gravitational Marriage to enhance your action. During this action have your left hand check near your opponent’s right shoulder. 8. Immediately pivot counterclockwise, into a right reverse close kneel stance, as you execute a right back heel scoop kick to your opponent’s left jaw hinge. Have your right hand brace your opponent’s head to enhance the effectiveness of your right heel kick. 9. From the contact point of your right scoop kick execute a right knife-edge kick to the inside of your opponent’s left knee to buckle his left leg from inside out. 10. From the contact point of your right knife-edge kick execute a right front crossover, and cover out twice toward 7:30.
  • 13. Crossing Talon (Front: Right cross wrist grab)
    Theme: Wrist grabs are used to force you to an undesired direction. It is a common scene on the street. To conquer this grab you must learn to maximize your efforts by harmoniously utilizing the force of your entire body when striking. This is especially true if your opponent is stronger than you. It is difficult to counter his strength with only the force of your arms. Consequently, employing your entire body, at the proper angle, with the proper timing is necessary. 1. With your opponent's right hand grabbing your right wrist, countergrab his right wrist with your right hand as your left foot steps toward 1:30 (traveling in front of your opponent) into a left neutral bow, as you strike your opponent's right elbow with a left inward vertical forearm, while your right hand pulls in, toward, and past your right hip. (The effect of this action is to sprain, or break, your opponent's right elbow, and force him to bend over, which automatically checks his Height Zones.) 2. Continue to pull your opponent's arm to your right (in a dipping manner) while using your left forearm to force your opponent's head down with the possibility of your opponent's head striking your left knee. 3. Immediately deliver a left outward elbow strike to your opponent's right jaw hinge or temple (palm up, or down, depending on circumstances). (This action may cause your opponent to pass out and drop toward the ground.) 4. Immediately follow-up with a left heel palm strike and five-finger rip to your opponent's face while using your opponent's shoulder and back as a fulcrum to leverage, contour check, and enhance your action. Continue the clockwise rotation of your left elbow and execute a left inward overhead downward elbow strike to the upper spine of your opponent. (This action should cause your opponent's body to stoop toward the ground.) 5. Follow up with a left downward heel palm strike to the back of your opponent's left mastoid. As your left hand continues to push your opponent's head down, simultaneously deliver a right knee strike to your opponent's face, thus causing a sandwiching effect. (Your opponent should fall to the ground.) -- Replant your right foot to its Point of Origin. Left front crossover, and cover out toward 4:30. 6. Replant your right foot to its Point of Origin as you have your left hand slide down your opponent's right arm, grab the back of your opponent's right hand (your left hand should grab, palm down, with your left thumb closest to you), while you simultaneously have your right hand also grab the back of your opponent's right hand. (Your right hand should match your left hand only to the opposite side of your opponent's right hand.) 7. Immediately have your left foot step back (traveling in a tight clockwise circle) toward 6 o'clock as you pin your opponent's right hand to your right hip with both of your hands, and quickly pivot counterclockwise, while vigorously twisting both of your hands to snap (break) your opponent's wrist. To insure the desired effect keep your opponent's right hand against your right hip when applying the snap (break). Simultaneous with the wrist snap (break), execute a right roundhouse kick to your opponent's solar plexus, or face, and force your opponent to the ground, face up, while still maintaining both wrist grabs. (Maintain constant pressure on your opponent's right wrist as you plant your right foot, as a gauging leg, alongside the right ribcage of your opponent.) 8. With your opponent now on his back shift your right hand under (reverse it counterclockwise and palm up) your opponent's right wrist and grab. Have your left hand assist the grab of your right hand grab. Once both grabs are secure twist your opponent's hand and arm clockwise. This is done while simultaneously pivoting clockwise into a left reverse bow while both hands continue grabbing. 9. Without delay cock your left leg and deliver a left thrusting knife-edge kick to the right side of your opponent's neck as both of your hands pull up and toward you to cause a possible shoulder dislocation. Release your opponent's right hand, letting it drop. 10. From the Point of Contact of your left kick execute a left front crossover sweep of your opponent's right arm, and continue out with a double cover out in the direction of 7:30.
  • 9. Five Swords (Front: Right step through roundhouse punch)
    Theme: In this technique environment dictates that you cannot move back, nor is it feasible for you to move to the outside of your opponent's right punch. With your choice of action limited, you must learn to move forward and to the inside of his punch. Your timing is of utmost importance. You must time your actions so that your block meets his right arm with success while contemplating checking the left arm of your opponent. This action will delay the use of your opponent's left arm and give yourself ample time to strike him. 1. While Standing Naturally, have your right foot step forward into a right neutral bow (facing 12 o'clock) while checking the inside of your opponent's right knee with your right knee. Simultaneously execute a right inward block to the inside of your opponent's right forearm, while using your left hand to check high at your opponent's wrist. (The effect of both actions is to expose the width of his body.) 2. Immediately strike to the right side of your opponent's neck with a right outward handsword. (This action should help to nullify the Height Zones, Width Zones and Depth Zones of your opponent.) 3. Pivot into a right forward bow (facing 12 o'clock), as you execute a left five-finger thrust to your opponent's eyes (palm down) while your right hand cocks to your right hip (fist clenched and palm up). (The effect of this poke should snap your opponent's head back and away from you.) 4. Having your opponent's head to move away from you should cause his midsection to jut forward. Take advantage of this anticipated response by pivoting into a right neural bow, execute a right uppercut punch to your opponent's stomach as your left hand becomes a Cocking check (guarding horizontally and palm down) near your right biceps. (This action should result in your opponent bending over at the waist.) 5. With your opponent now bending over, immediately have your left foot slide counterclockwise (toward 4:30) into a right forward bow (while now facing 10:30), as your left outward handsword strikes to the left side of your opponent's neck. Your right hand acts as a Positional Check against any potential danger from your opponent's left arm. 6. Without hesitation, and while pivoting into a right neutral bow, have your left hand (during the interim) hook to the left side of, as well as on top of, your opponent's neck, to aid you in pulling his head down if necessary. Within the double flow (the Circular Movements of both of your hands) of your action, execute a right inward handsword to the back of your opponent's neck. At the time your right handsword strikes, your left hand should be checking low. -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 4:30. 7. Immediately (from your left hand checking position) execute a left inward-upward heel palm under your opponent’s chin. Instantly convert this strike into a left inward five-finger circular claw across your opponent’s face, as your right hand cocks (palm up) to the left side of your heart. This action should turn your opponent’s head toward you. 8. Instantly pivot counterclockwise into a right reverse bow as you execute a right outward handsword to the right side of your opponent’s neck (diagonally upward). 9. From your right reverse bow deliver a right back stiff-leg lifting kick to your opponent’s groin. (Drag your left foot toward your right foot, if you need to gauge your distance.) 10. From the Point of Contact of your kick execute a right front crossover, and cover out twice toward 4:30.
  • 14. Repeating Mace (Front: Left hand step through lunging push)
    Theme: Your entire body and limbs are conditioned to move from the Point of Origin to: (1) get out of the Line of Attack without emphasizing a block, (2) harmonize your strike with the momentum delivered from your Body Rotation, and (3) harmonize your strike with the forward momentum of your opponent (Borrowed Force). 1. While Standing Naturally, simultaneously have your left foot slide back toward 4:30 (up the circle) into a right neutral bow (facing 12 o'clock), as your left hand hooks on top and to the outside of your opponent's left elbow (left palm is up like a waiter carrying a tray) while you simultaneously deliver a right inward raking hammerfist to your opponent's left kidney. 2. Without stopping the flow of your action loop a right outward back knuckle strike to your opponent's left ribcage (as you settle into your right neutral bow stance). (The effect of these two strikes is to first have your opponent's midsection move forward and turn clockwise to his right. The second strike should turn him counterclockwise and force him to bend over at the waist.) 3. Immediately shift your weight onto your left leg and deliver a right looping inward downward roundhouse kick to complement the angle of your opponent's left thigh and strike the top of his left calf from the back of his knee (utilizing your right instep). (This action should buckle his left knee and force him on his knees.) Position your left hand low with your right hand cocked to the left side of your chest. -- Without planting your right foot, right front crossover, and cover out toward 4:30. 4. From the Point of Contact of your right kick, immediately plant your right foot to its Point of Origin. Proceed into a left front crossover (left front twist stance) toward 10:30 as you execute (from the Point of Origin of your right hand) a right downward hammerfist to your opponent’s sternum, or face (traveling from up to down, left to right, over your opponent’s left arm) . (Take advantage of your Body Momentum when executing the left front crossover along with your right downward hammerfist strike.) Have your left hand check on top of your opponent’s left arm during the transition. 5. From your left front twist stance pivot clockwise into a left neutral bow as you deliver a left thrusting heel palm up and under your opponent’s jaw. Simultaneously have your right hand slide and check your opponent’s left arm (fingers pointed to the left, thumb down, and palm out). Your action should now cause your opponent to turn, lose his balance, as well as be directed toward 10:30. 6. Without any hesitation pivot clockwise (180 degrees) and execute a right spinning back heel kick to the front of your opponent’s mid-section (toward 10:30) thus forcing him to the ground (onto his back) with his head pointed toward 10:30, with his feet on the ground and his knees up. 7. Have your right foot plant toward your opponent into a transitory right reverse cat (to gauge the distance and Angle of Entry for your next moves). Immediately have your left foot hop between your opponent’s legs (while your back is still facing your opponent) and deliver a right back scoop kick to the inside of your opponent’s left knee. 8. Reverse the flow of your right foot and execute a right stiff-leg kick to the inside and under your opponent’s right leg. This should further spread your opponent’s legs. 9. Plant your right foot to the inside of your opponent’s right leg (while looking over your right shoulder and immediately execute a left rear crossover heel stomp to your opponent’s groin. 10. As your opponent reacts to the stomp and raises his head, execute a right thrusting knife-edge kick to his throat, chin, or face. 11. From the Point of Contact of your right kick execute a right front crossover and in the process have your right foot sweep and scrape the shin, instep, and foot of your opponent’s right leg. 12. Continue having your right foot crossover, and cover out twice toward 7:30.
  • 21. Twisted Twig (Front: wrist lock)
    Theme: The theme of this technique is the quick reaction needed to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. Failure to act quickly could cause a wrist break or cause your body to be forced to the ground. Quick reaction with your right elbow strike not only relieves the pressure on your wrist, but also injures your opponent. Me, my, and I are pronouns that have priority in self-defense. 1. With feet together and both hands of your opponent applying a wrist lock on your right wrist, step forward and to your left with your right foot into a right neutral bow to buckle the inside of your opponent's right knee with your right knee (to 11 o'clock). Simultaneous with the action deliver a right upward elbow strike to your opponent's solar plexus and/or jaw. Your left hand is placed on top of your opponent's right wrist for the purposes of checking. (This action is to freeze your opponent's intended action.) 2. Pivot counterclockwise into a horse stance as you deliver a right back elbow strike to your opponent's solar plexus. (Your opponent should bend forward at the waist.) 3. Follow up with a right downward hammerfist to your opponent's groin as you pivot into a right reverse bow. Have your left hand check at shoulder height. (Your opponent should bend even further.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 7:30. 4. Without disrupting the flow of your action, have your left hand form the shape of the crane as it hooks to the left side of your opponent’s neck (clockwise). Without delay have your left hand pull your opponent’s head down while simultaneously executing a right vertical upward back knuckle strike to your opponent’s face. Both actions should cause a sandwiching effect. 5. Have your right hand match the action of your left hand by circling counterclockwise (forming the shape of the crane) to the right side of your opponent’s neck and head. Immediately pull your opponent’s head down with both of your hands as you deliver a right knee kick to your opponent’s head, again causing another sandwiching effect. 6. Immediately plant your right foot (from the position of your right knee kick) straight down so that it is almost in line with your left foot. Without hesitation, step back toward 6 o’clock, (this is a front to back switch) with your left foot as you simultaneously have both of your arms pull and flip your opponent over and onto his back. The left step back, pull, and flip are to be done as one movement (residual use of Body Momentum). Your opponent’s feet should be pointed toward 12 o’clock with his head toward 6 o’clock. 7. With your opponent now on his back (with his head closest to you), leap counterclockwise into the air, drop down into a left close kneel stance as your right knee crosses and strikes your opponent’s right collar bone and throat. Simultaneous with the drop, execute a right inward downward raking back knuckle slice across the bridge of your opponent’s nose (traveling overhead, down, and toward you). Have your left hand positionally check low. 8. Immediately leap clockwise into the air, drop down into a right close kneel stance as your left knee crosses and strikes your opponent’s left collar bone and throat. Simultaneous with the drop, execute a left downward two-knuckle punch to your opponent’s face. 9. Again leap counterclockwise into the air and land on your left foot toward 6 o’clock while simultaneously executing a right inward downward looping roundhouse kick to your opponent’s sternum. (This kick is identical to that contained in the “Leap of Death”.) 10. Form its point of impact, have your right foot execute a right front crossover, and cover out twice toward 1:30.
  • 24. Crashing Wings (Rear: Bear hug - arms free)
    Theme: The theme of this technique demonstrates the multiple use of principles done in synchronization with one another. All principles that merge into a single count exemplify the principle of "With". 1. Step to your right (toward 3 o'clock) with your right foot into a horse stance (facing 12:00). Simultaneously strike down with both of your elbows against your opponent's forearms (after having cocked your elbows). (The intent here is to cause pain to your opponent's arms and to loosen his grip.) 2. Have your left foot meet your right foot (close cat) as your left and right arms cock to the right side of your waist (right palm up and left palm facing you). 3. Have your left foot then go around and behind your opponent's right leg (toward 7:30) into a left reverse bow. (Have your left leg, or hip, keep constant pressure against your opponent's right hip, or leg.) 4. Pivot into a left neutral bow toward 7:30 while striking with a left outward elbow to your opponent's chin, or face. As your elbow continues across your opponent's face, execute a left five-finger claw across his face. (This move should force your opponent's head back and away from you.) 5. Continue to pivot counterclockwise into a left forward bow, as you execute a right inward downward hammerfist to your opponent's bladder. -- Pivot back into a left neutral bow. Left front crossover, and cover out toward 12:00. 6. Have your right inward hammerfist slide up the middle of your opponent's body and convert it into a right torquing heel palm strike to and through the left side of your opponent's jaw. 7. Immediately have your left hand grab your opponent's left shoulder to check and commence pulling and turning him counterclockwise. Now have your right hand assist your left hand by passing through your opponent's jaw and in front of his body. It then hooks over his right shoulder, grabbing behind the right shoulder. During this action have your left foot move slightly counterclockwise to your left to gain Body Momentum. During the counterclockwise turn be sure to shift your opponent's body to the right of yours to allow for proper Angle of Execution. Have your right hand then yank your opponent's head down and toward you for purposes of alignment while simultaneously executing a right knee kick the back of your opponent's neck and head. 8. Have your opponent drop to the ground (face up and head toward 4:30) and have your right foot step toward 7:30 into a right neutral bow, followed by a left step through (left neutral bow) toward the same direction. Conclude this particular maneuver by sliding your right foot toward 6 o'clock, pivoting clockwise 120 degrees toward 12 o'clock while you settle into a left neutral bow. 9. Now that your are facing your opponent toward 12 o'clock deliver a right sliding slice kick to the right side of his head. 10. As your right foot slides to and through your opponent's head, gauge its distance as you plant it toward 7:30. Without stopping the flow of your action execute a left sliding back heel kick to the right side of your opponent's head (circling counterclockwise at least 180 degrees). 11. Left front crossover, and cover out twice toward 7:30
  • 16. Striking Serpent's Head (Front: Bear hug - arms free)
    Theme: The theme of this technique lies in the initial approach of countering the attack. It introduces the idea of approaching an opponent's target from the rear. Its obscure delivery is such that the opponent is oblivious to the impending strike. 1. As you drop back with your right foot toward 6 o'clock into a left neutral bow (facing 12 o'clock), have your left hand hook around and back of your opponent's head so that your left inner knuckle strikes to your opponent's left temple or mastoid, while your right hand cocks into a half fist at chest level (palm up above your opponent's arms). (The outcome of this action should be that your opponent is dazed.) 2. Continue your action by having your left hand grab and pull your opponent's hair back (grab above the forehead), pivoting into a left forward bow (facing 12 o'clock) and executing a right snapping half fist to your opponent's throat (palm down). Immediately return to your left neutral bow after the half fist strike. Have your left forearm act as a supporting brace when executing your right half fist to increase the effectiveness of your strike. This supporting brace contributes to the principle of sandwiching. -- Left front crossover, and cover out toward 4:30. 3. From your left neutral bow instantly have your left foot slide back into a left cat stance as your left hand claws vertically down across your opponent's face. The body momentum (Gravitational Marriage) obtained during your slight drop into your left cat stance should add to the effectiveness of your claw. Have your right hand check and cover in a neutral position. 4. Switch by shifting your left foot alongside of your right foot (to the left and parallel to your right foot (back to front switch) while grabbing your opponent's right wrist with your left hand and immediately step toward 11 o'clock with your right foot as you buckle the inside of your opponent's right knee, deliver a right inward horizontal elbow strike to his left ribcage, while you simultaneously settle into a right neutral bow. Your opponent at this point should begin to fall backwards. Maintain the grab with your left hand. 5. With your left hand still grabbing have your right foot circle (clockwise) around and back of your opponent's right foot to buckle the back of his right knee as your right hand contours clockwise, around, behind, and up your opponent's back concluding with a right arm hold to the left side of his neck using the back of his left shoulder as a fulcrum. 6. Immediately slide your left foot back and toward 4:30 as you drop down into a right wide kneel stance while pulling, forcing, and guiding your opponent's spine down, and onto your right knee, with your right hand. 7. Release your left hand grab and have it shift to your opponent's chest to pin and check his action. Simultaneously have your right arm slide counterclockwise under your opponent's back, circle overhead (to your right), and convert into a right inward overhead hammerfist strike to his heart with your right knee acting as a supporting brace. Your opponent's head should be pointed in the direction of 9:30. 8. Execute a left downward thrusting heel palm strike to the right side of your opponent's ribs as you push him forward, while simultaneously sliding your right foot back and toward you to form a right cat stance. When done correctly, this action should leave instant space under your opponent so that the ground assists you in injuring him further. 9. With your opponent now on the ground, on his back and face up, immediately execute a right downward looping roundhouse kick to his face. 10. From the position of your right kick proceed into a right front crossover, and cover out twice toward 4:30.
  • 10. Buckling Branch (Front: Left step through straight kick)
    Theme: The theme of this technique is similar to Thrusting Salute except that you are now blocking on the outside of your opponent's left leg instead of the inside of his right leg. Like Thrusting Salute, this technique teaches you how a well placed block can create a notable Angle of Deflection. If executed properly two benefits become apparent, (1) the block will cause greater exposure as it forces your opponent's body to turn outwardly, and (2) your initial action will residually move you out of the Line of Attack. Such action diminishes the effectiveness of your opponent's kick, as well as subsequent follow-up moves. Always be mindful of anticipating follow-up moves. It prepares you for the unexpected. In the case of this technique your opponent's kick could conceivably be followed by a left punch. 1. While Standing Naturally, with both feet together, step back with your right foot toward 4:30 into a left neutral bow. Simultaneously block your opponent’s left kick with a left downward block (from the outside) as your right hand positionally checks. Instantly recoil your left hand counterclockwise into a diagonal position as a Positional Check. (Your intent is to generate pain to your opponent’s left leg, as well as to increase the width of his body from your deflection.) 2. With your opponent’s back turning toward you, deliver a right front snap ball kick to your opponent’s groin (entering from the rear). (This should make your opponent bend over at the waist. Both you and your opponent should be facing 10:30.) 3. Plant your right foot forward (again toward 10:30) into a right front twist stance (modifying it if necessary), and deliver a left knife-edge kick to the inside and back of your opponent’s right knee (keeping both of your hands open and in a defensive position). (This kick should buckle your opponent to his knees.) -- Have your left kick flow into a left front crossover and cover out toward 4:30. 4. From the contact point of your left knife-edge kick, have your left foot plant toward 9:30 into a transitory left reverse bow. 5. Immediately twist (counterclockwise and in-place) into a left front rotating twist stance, check your opponent’s left shoulder blade with your left hand, execute a right inward overhead hammerfist strike to the front of his solar plexus, having it travel over your opponent’s left shoulder, followed by a right knee kick to your opponent’s middle spine. 6. Replant your right foot back to its Point of Origin as you immediately pivot clockwise into a left reverse bow while executing a right vertical upward heel palm claw to the left side of your opponent’s chin and face, followed by a left inward heel palm claw to the left side of his jaw. (Execute your left arm in a stiff-arm manner, using Body Fusion. 7. Without delay, shift your left foot counterclockwise (toward 5:30), drop into a right close kneel stance as you execute a right underhand back knuckle strike to your opponent’s head (slight stiff-arm using Body Fusion), as he is dropping. 8. Immediately leap and pivot counterclockwise in the air, and land on your left foot while simultaneously executing a right downward looping roundhouse kick to your opponent’s sternum. (This kick is similar to that used in “Leap of “Death”). 9. Have your right foot flow into a right front crossover, and cover out twice toward 4:30.
  • 23. Raining Claw (Front: Right uppercut punch)
    Theme: The theme of this technique introduces the use of an overhead strike that is coupled with Object Obscurity to conceal an underhand strike. 1. While Standing Naturally, with feet together, step back toward 6 o'clock with your left foot into a right neutral bow (facing 12 o'clock) and deliver a right inward downward block to the forearm of your opponent's right uppercut. Your left hand is guarding high to protect your head area. 2. Shuffle forward (push-drag) and immediately shoot a left inward overhead claw to your opponent's face while your right elbow stays close to your body. (This strike may bring your opponent's head forward and down.) 3. Have your right fist circle clockwise and execute a right vertical back knuckle thrust to your opponent's face (Apply Object Obscurity by tracking your right punch up and along your left wrist, releasing your claw just before your right punch arrives). Your left hand now checks low. (This action should snap your opponent's head back and away.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 7:30. 4. Have your left hand (which is positionally checking at the sternum), execute a left thrusting heel palm strike to your opponent’s chin, and convert into a left ricocheting five-finger eye thrust. Your right hand now check in place of your left hand. 5. Immediately convert your left five-finger thrust into a left vertical downward five-finger claw to your opponent’s face. As your five-finger claw tracks its way down on your opponent’s face, execute a right half fist strike to your opponent’s throat (palm up). Time both moves so that they simultaneously counteract each other. Continue the motion of your left hand and drop it down on top of your right elbow as a Cocking Check (like “Five Swords”). 6. Shift your left foot toward 4:30 (up the circle) as your left hand claws to the left side of your opponent’s face and stops (from inside out). Simultaneous with this action have your right hand circle counterclockwise as you execute a right outward back knuckle strike to your opponent’s solar plexus. Have your right arm circle on the inside of your left arm. 7. Again shift your left foot toward 1:30 as your right back knuckle (after the hit) slides along the left rib cage of your opponent, continues under your opponent’s left arm while your left hand checks your opponent’s left elbow. Immediately execute a left armlock on your opponent with your right arm. As you drop down into a right wide kneel stance, facing 6 o’clock, force your opponent to bend over. 8. Have your left foot step forward toward 6 o’clock as your left hand slides along your opponent’s left forearm, ending at his left wrist. At this point begin to place great pressure on the armlock. 9. Shift your right foot clockwise (180 degrees) toward 6 o’clock (into a left neutral bow, facing 12 o’clock) as your right hand assists your left hand in grabbing your opponent’s left wrist and yanks his left arm toward you to dislocate his left shoulder, as your then force your opponent to the ground (face down). 10. Leap counterclockwise into a left close kneel stance, facing 9 o’clock, and execute a right knee drop to the back of your opponent's neck while taking full advantage of Gravitational Marriage. 11. Using your opponent’s neck as a springboard, leap clockwise, facing 3 o’clock and execute a left back heel stomp to your opponent's head while again taking full advantage of Gravitational Marriage. 12. From the Point of Contact of your left stomp, execute a left front crossover, and cover out twice toward 4:30.
  • 15. Shielding Hammer (Front: Left step through hooking punch)
    Theme: This technique (like Sword of Destruction) teaches you how to increase distance, while blocking your opponent's extended arm with your forward arm. It trains you to block and counter immediately with the same hand. It further teaches that after striking with the uppercase of your arm on the forward motion, you may follow-up with the lower case, of the same arm, on the Reverse Motion. 1. While Standing Naturally, step back with your left foot toward 6 o'clock into a right neutral bow (facing 12 o'clock) as you deliver a right extended outward block to the inside of your opponent's left forearm. Your left hand should be in a Positional Check off of your right rib cage. 2. Immediately deliver a right inward raking back knuckle strike diagonally in and down across the bridge of your opponent's nose (striking toward 10:30 to insure Depth of Penetration). (This action should turn your opponent's head clockwise or to his right.) 3. Shuffle forward while continuing the counter clockwise motion with your right hand and follow-up with a right horizontal dipping outward elbow strike to your opponent's solar plexus. Your left hand should be checking high. (This should cause your opponent to lose his breath and bend forward at the waist.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 7:30. 4. Without delay left front crossover toward 12 o’clock (into a left front twist stance) as you execute a left vertical punch to your opponent’s sternum, simultaneous with a right downward hammerfist to his groin. 5. Immediately pivot clockwise out of your left front twist stance, as you execute a right upward (obscure) elbow strike to your opponent’s jaw while cocking your left hand palm up (in anticipation of the next move) replaced by a right vertical upward heel palm strike to your opponent’s jaw, succeeded by a right vertical upward five-finger ripping claw to your opponent’s face and concluding with a left downward torquing heel palm strike to your opponent’s solar plexus, or sternum (heel of palm out, fingers in), at the precise moment you settle into a left neutral bow stance. This should drive your opponent back. 6. Without disrupting your flow of action, pivot clockwise (180 degrees) as you execute a right spinning back heel kick to your opponent’s groin. 7. Plant your right foot toward 12 o’clock, gauging your distance in the process, and execute a left back thrusting heel kick to your opponent's sternum. 8. From the position of you left kick proceed into a left front crossover, and cover out twice toward 6 o’clock.
  • 11. Scraping Hoof (Rear: Full Nelson)
    Theme: The theme of this technique focuses on your opponent's hold which not only can inflict pain, but control and restrict your movements as well. Unfortunately, there are some who believe that holds of this nature control and restrict the use of all of the three dimensions. This is not so. Although your opponent may limit the use of your weapons, not all dimensions are restricted at any one time. Other natural weapons can function in other dimensions. As an example, there are many who might cock their leg to kick, or stomp, their opponent's leg, or foot, and fail to use the cocking motion as a strike. This technique teaches you that by dropping your weight (on to your left leg) you will be able to generate an effective strike during the upward motion of your right leg before striking down with that same leg. 1. While in a Full Nelson, thrust both of your fists toward the ground (to help free you from your opponent's grasp and to pin his arms to your body). Simultaneous with this action cheat your left foot toward your right foot, as you straighten your knees, back, and neck into a full upright position. (The intent here is to have your opponent focus his attention on your arms and the pressure applied to your neck.) 2. Immediately bend your left knee (Reverse Marriage of Gravity) as you deliver a right back side scooping heel kick to your opponent's left inner knee, followed by a right knife-edge kick to your opponent's right shin, replaced by a scrape down his right shin, and concluding with a right stomp on top of his right instep with the heel of your right foot. (This sequence of action should buckle your opponent's legs as well as move his legs outward.) -- Step with your right foot to 11:00 and left front crossover and cover out toward 10:30. 3. From your right stomp, vigorously shoot (while sliding) your right foot back toward 7:30 into a right reverse bow to buckle your opponent's left leg from the inside out. Simultaneously guard and cover with your hands and arms throughout this maneuver. 4. Immediately execute a left front crossover (toward 4:30) and step out toward 1:30 into a right neutral bow (angle switching) as you buckle your opponent's right knee from inside out. This action should force your opponent onto his back with his legs spread apart. 5. Without delay execute a left rear crossover followed by a right back thrusting heel kick to your opponent's groin (while he's still on his back). 6. Right front crossover, and cover out twice toward 10:30.
  • 19. Reversing Mace (Front: Left step thorough straight punch)
    Theme: This technique introduces the concept of Shortening the Circle. By moving Up the Circle you can increase the depth of your action and weaken the force of your opponent's strike. It is a difficult concept to accept, but once the logic is demonstrated the concept is readily believed. 1. From a right neutral bow, slide your left foot counterclockwise toward 4:30 while remaining in a right neutral bow. Execute a right inward and left outward parry combination to the outside of your opponent's left punch. Your left hand finishes palm up and on top of your opponent's left arm (like a waiter carrying a tray at or above his left elbow). Without any loss of motion, your right inward parry continues to circle counterclockwise and becomes a right outward back knuckle strike to your opponent's left lower ribcage. (This should cause your opponent to bend forward at the waist.) 2. Immediately shift your weight onto your left leg and deliver a right looping inward downward roundhouse kick to the back of your opponent's left knee, complementing the angle of your opponent's left thigh during the course of this action. This kick is executed, with the instep of your right foot. (Make sure that your right ankle is locked straight out upon impact). (This move should buckle your opponent's left knee toward the ground.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out towards 4:30. 3. From the position of your right kick, plant your right foot toward 12 o’clock (so that you end up behind your opponent) and immediately drag your left foot toward your right foot as the momentum of this action assists your delivery of a right knife-edge kick to the inside of your opponent’s right knee (toward 10:30). This action, that takes place from the back of your opponent, should buckle your opponent’s right knee from inside out, thus forcing him onto his right knee (or on to both knees). 4. With your opponent slightly bent back and on his right knee (or both), plant your right foot (from the Point of Contact of your right kick) toward 10:30 and quickly execute a left rear crossover simultaneous with a right inward overhead hammerfist strike traveling over your opponent’s left shoulder and to his sternum (assuming your opponent is still on his knee, or knees). Have your left hand check your opponent’s left arm and shoulder during this maneuver. 5. From your twist stance, pivot counterclockwise turning 360 degrees and execute a left outward back knuckle strike to the right mastoid of your opponent, as you settle into a left neutral bow stance. You may need to adjust the position of your right foot (between 12 o’clock and 11 o’clock) at the conclusion of your turn to gauge your distance, angle, and direction just prior to your left strike to his mastoid, and you settle into your left neutral bow stance. 6. Shuffle forward toward 6 o’clock and immediately pivot into a left forward bow as your left hand checks your opponent’s shoulder blades and your right hand simultaneously delivers a right thrusting vertical punch to your opponent’s upper spine. When executing this punch emphasize the penetrating force of your first two knuckles. (Your opponent should still be on his knee, or knees, at this point). 7. Immediately follow up with a right knee kick to your opponent’s lower spine. 8. From the position of your right knee kick, execute a right stomp to your opponent’s left ankle. 9. From the position of your right stomp have your right foot slide to the ground (on the inside of your opponent’s left ankle). Proceed into a left front crossover, cover out twice toward 12 o’clock.
  • 12. Grip of Death (Left flank: Right arm headlock)
    Theme: The headlock is a very common attack used especially by people with wrestling experience. Internalize the importance of simultaneously responding with offenses and defenses principles. The simultaneous and spontaneous explosion will proportionally help you protect yourself. 1. With your opponent applying a headlock from your left side, step forward and to your left (to 10:30) with your right foot into a right close kneel stance (checking the outside of your opponent's right knee with your left knee), while turning your head to the left and tucking your chin against your chest. Simultaneously deliver a right hammerfist to your opponent's groin and a left hammerfist to your opponent's left kidney. (This action should buckle your opponent.) 2. Immediately circle your left arm over your opponent's right shoulder, have the fingers of your left hand press under your opponent's nose and vigorously force your opponent's head back (or depending upon the circumstances, have your left hand grab your opponent's hair), using the top and back of his shoulder as a fulcrum. (This should cause sharp pain to his philtrum, as you also cancel his Height Zones.) 3. Without delay pivot into a left forward bow toward 6 o'clock and while taking advantage of your Rotational Force deliver a right heel palm strike to your opponent's chin while executing a left sliding check down your opponent's right arm, ending at the elbow. (Make sure that the head of your opponent, in either of the above cases, is arched, forced back and pressed down to minimize your opponent's leverage and to control his Height Zones. -- Pivot back to a left neutral bow. Left front crossover, and cover out toward 10:30. 4. With your left foot positioned back and slightly to the right of your opponent's right leg, execute a left front crossover sweep against your opponent's right foot (toward 10:30). Follow through with your left sweep so that it settles into a left front twist stance (toward 10:30). This action should force your opponent's right foot forward (toward 10:30), spread his legs, and disturb his balance. At this point his right leg has become his lead leg with his left leg situated to the rear. Your left hand still maintains a pinning check against your opponent's right arm as your right hand positionally checks to the left of your face 5. With you now basically positioned behind your opponent, have your right foot shift very slightly (clockwise) toward 6 o'clock. This is just a short step (while still remaining in your left front twist stance) to help you align yourself for the next move. Immediately shoot your left foot back toward 7:30 into a left reverse bow to outwardly buckle your opponent's left inner knee. Have both hands and arms checking your opponent's back, left hand low and right hand high. 6. From your left reverse bow execute a left snapping knife-edge kick to the back of your opponent's right knee. This should bring him onto his knees. Continue checking with your hands. 7. From the position of your left kick execute a left front crossover toward 4:30 and momentarily settle into a right rear twist stance. 8. Immediately pivot clockwise and execute a right spinning back heel kick to your opponent's upper spine. (Type of kick or target selection can alter depending upon circumstances.) 9. From the position of your right kick execute a right front crossover, and cover out twice toward 4:30.
  • 4. Thrusting Salute (Front: Right step through kick)
    Theme: This technique teaches you how a well-placed block can create a notable Angle of Deflection. When the first move is executed properly two benefits become apparent, (1) the block will cause greater exposure as it forces your opponent's body to turn outwardly, and (2) your initial reaction will residually move you out of the Line of Attack. Such action diminishes the effectiveness of your opponent's kick, as well as subsequent follow-up moves. Always be mindful of anticipating follow-up moves. It prepares you for the unexpected. In the case of this technique your opponent's kick could conceivably be followed by a right punch. 1. While Standing Naturally, step back with your right foot to 4:30 (to get you out of the Line of Attack) into a left neutral bow, as you deliver a left downward block to the inside of your opponent's right kicking leg. Instantly recoil your left hand counterclockwise into a vertical position, to act as a Positional Check (hand open). (Your downward block should deflect your opponent's right kicking leg out, to your left, and away from you.) During this action your right hand cocks near your right ribcage (palm up and fist clenched). 2. Immediately execute a right front snap ball kick to your opponent's groin. (Do not be surprised if your opponent violently bends forward at the waist.) 3. Plant your right foot forward (toward 10:30) into a right neutral bow (inside of your opponent's right knee so that your right knee can check or buckle his right knee). Simultaneously with the plant (while capitalizing on the forward momentum and Gravitational Marriage), execute a right torquing heel palm strike to your opponent's jaw (counterclockwise). Have your left hand relocate its Positional Check near your right ribcage. (This action should cause your opponent's head to snap back and possibly cause his entire body to move away from you.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 4:30. 4. Without delay execute a left front crossover as you deliver a left vertical punch to your opponent’s solar plexus, simultaneous with a right outward horizontal heel palm strike across your opponent’s mid-section. This action should momentarily check your opponent’s Width and Depth Zones as well as hurt and disturb his breathing. 5. Immediately unwind and pivot clockwise into a left neutral bow, while simultaneously executing a left inward horizontal elbow strike to your opponent’s right rib cage, as you have your right open hand cover, palm out, in front of your face. Rapid explosive action will add to the effects of your Body Momentum, in terms of power. 6. Pivot into a left forward bow as you have your left forearm and left hand check your opponent’s mid-section and left arm respectively (to check both Height Zones and Width Zones) while you deliver a right inward chopping punch to your opponent’s pubic bone. 7. Without delay and with your left arm still checking, reverse the motion of your right arm as you execute a right inward overhead looping back knuckle punch (or strike) to the left temple of your opponent. 8. Without disrupting the continuity of your looping back knuckle strike, have your right forearm and right hand loop down and check your opponent’s mid-section and right arm respectively (to check both Width and Height Zones) as you simultaneously deliver a left inward overhead looping back knuckle punch (or strike) to the right temple of your opponent. 9. Again without disrupting the continuity of your left looping back knuckle strike, have both of your arms flow into positional checks as you execute a left front crossover, and cover out twice in the direction of 4:30.
  • 2. Triggered Salute (Front: Right hand direct push)
    Theme: This technique teaches that even though your opponent's aggressive action may strike with force, you are to use that same force to your advantage. Allow his action to trigger your reaction to overcome him. 1. While Standing Naturally, your opponent pushes your left shoulder with his right hand. Immediately and simultaneously turn your left shoulder counterclockwise and ride your opponent's right push as you step forward with your right foot into a right neutral bow (between 11:00 and 12 :00), buckle the inside of your opponent's right knee with your right knee, thrust a right heel palm strike to your opponent's chin, as you have your left hand pin and check your opponent's right hand to your chest. (Your opponent's head should snap back and away from you.) 2. Forecasting the response of your opponent's upper body, frictionally slide your right hand down your opponent's right arm (Frictional Pull) while forming the shape of the crane (making sure to anchor your elbow), hook your opponent's right arm down and toward 5:30; Round the Corner with your right arm as you unhesitatingly deliver a right inward horizontal elbow strike to your opponent's solar plexus. (The Frictional Pull will bring your opponent's upper body forward and diagonally to his right. The force of your elbow strike should make him bend forward at the waist.) 3. After following through with your right inward elbow strike, deliver a right outward horizontal elbow strike to your opponent's right floating ribs. (This should cause your opponent to bend even further.) 4. Using Residual Torque , follow-up with a right outward horizontal back knuckle strike to your opponent's right floating ribs or kidney and immediately cock your right fist to your right hip. (Your repeated follow-up should magnifying the damage to his ribs.) 5. Without any loss of motion thrust a right vertical back knuckle strike up and under your opponent's chin (right fist is inverted and horizontal) while your left hand continues to pin your opponent's right hand against your left shoulder. (This Contouring Fit should drive your opponent's head back.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 7:30. 6. Immediately shift into a left rear crossover (toward 1:30) as you release your pinning left hand and convert it into a left inward diagonal five-finger claw to the right side of your opponent’s face, while executing a right back elbow strike (palm up) to your opponent’s solar plexus. Have your left hand, as it passes through your opponent’s face, then guard your own face. Have your right forearm flow into a sweeping check prior to your right elbow striking your opponent’s solar plexus. 7.Without disturbing the flow of your momentum, have your right foot step inside of your opponent’s left leg toward 1:30 (with the knee slightly bent), convert your right leg into a right reverse bow as it buckles your opponent’s left knee from inside out, while executing a right downward hammerfist or heel palm strike to your opponent’s groin. Continue to guard your face with your left hand. 8. Without delay execute a right knee kick to your opponent’s right inner knee to buckle it out as well as to render pain. 9. From the Point of Contact, of your knee kick, proceed into a right front crossover, and cover out twice in the direction of 7:30.
  • 8. Glancing Salute (Front: Right hand cross push)
    Theme: This technique teaches you how to ride the force of an aggressive action. Aside from your pivoting to get you out of the Line of Attack, it residually nullifies the effect of your opponent's push. 1. While Standing Naturally, while your opponent pushes your right shoulder with his right hand, step forward and slightly to your left (11 o'clock) with your left foot into a left neutral bow (facing 12 :00), pivot to your right into a right forward bow toward 3:00 (to ride the force of your opponent's push) as your right arm pins your opponent's right wrist to the right side of your chest, along with the execution of a left inward vertical forearm strike against the joint of your opponent's right elbow to cause a break. (This action should cause your opponent to turn counterclockwise, as well as cancel his width zones.) 2. Pivot to your left (toward 12 o'clock) into a left forward bow as your left had pins your opponent's right arm to his body, and simultaneously execute a right thrusting heel palm strike to his jaw. (The action of your left pinning hand should bring your opponent's head down and forward into your right heel palm strike. This strike should force his head up and back.) 3. Have your right hand circle to the right of your opponent's face as it then hooks around and back of his neck (forming the shape of the crane), as your right hand pulls your opponent's head down and toward the ground (Anchoring your right elbow in the process) while executing a right knee kick to your opponent's stomach. (Your opponent's strength should wane, with his feet moving back and away from you.) 4. Plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow, as your right knee checks (and possibly buckles) the inside of your opponent's right knee. Simultaneous with the plant (while capitalizing on your forward momentum and Gravitational Marriage), execute a right inward elbow strike to your opponent's face, as your left hand pins your opponent's right arm to his body. (This should cause your opponent's head to move up and back.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 7:30. 5. Execute a left rear crossover, simultaneous with a right outward heel palm strike to your opponent’s solar plexus (diagonally downward), and a left inward horizontal heel palm/claw to your opponent’s face. 6. Immediately slide your right foot toward 1:30 (on the inside of your opponent’s left knee, being sure to keep your right knee bent during the transition). Stiffen your right knee at the very instant you plant your right foot into a right reverse bow. This action should have your right leg buckle your opponent’s left knee from the inside out. Simultaneous with the action execute a right downward heel palm strike to your opponent’s groin. Have your left hand positionally check to the right side of your opponent’s face. 7. Have your left hand wrap around the left side of your opponent’s neck, and with your elbow anchored pull him down into a right over-the-shoulder back knuckle strike to the face. 8. Without delay execute a right knee kick to the inside of your opponent’s right knee to buckle him outward (clockwise). During the kick have your hands continue to check high. 9. As your right knee travels through your opponent’s right knee pivot clockwise and plant your right foot into a right front twist stance, facing your opponent. As you plant, execute a left inward two-finger hook to your opponent’s eyes. 10. Left step through reverse into a right neutral bow, facing 12 o’clock, as you execute a right outward back knuckle to your opponent’s face. 11. Right front crossover and cover out twice in the direction of 7:30.
  • 22. Obscure Sword (Right flank: Left hand shoulder grab)
    Theme: The theme of this technique is to disguise your first move, and to force your opponent to react in a manner which triggers his demise. You wish to convey the notion that you're trying to escape from his grasp. It is a normal reaction for your opponent to pull you back and toward him. When this occurs you literally borrow his force to surprise as well as hurt him. 1. With feet together, step directly forward to 12 o'clock with your left foot into a left neutral bow (facing straight ahead) with your right handsword cocked to your heart (palm up). Simultaneously pin your opponent's right hand with your left hand to your right shoulder. (This should disturb your opponent's balance, shift his weight forward, and check the use of his left hand.) 2. Immediately pivot toward 4:30 into a right forward bow while delivering a right outward handsword to your opponent's throat. (This should result in your opponent's head being driven back and away from you.) 3. Follow up with a left front snap ball kick to your opponent's groin and plant your left foot back to your Point of Origin with your hands in a fighting position. (The effect of this kick should buckle your opponent's legs, and possibly drop him to the ground.) -- Right front crossover, and cover out toward 10:30. 4. Plant your left foot forward as a gauging leg as you execute a right front snapping ball kick to the inside of your opponent’s right knee. During this action have your right clenched fist cock near your right ear, as your left hand positionally checks. 5. From the Point of Contact of your right kick plant forward into a right neutral bow, facing 4:30. Simultaneously execute a right inward back knuckle rake across and through the left side of the bridge of your opponent’s nose (traveling from your right to left, from top to bottom). Continue the flow of your right hand strike as it may possibly convert into a right hammerfist strike to your opponent’s collar bone, or right chest. Marriage of Gravity is to be advantageously used during this action. 6. Immediately execute a left rear crossover toward 6 o’clock. Before you settle into a twist stance execute a right outward back knuckle strike to the right side of the bridge of your opponent’s nose. At the moment you settle into your twist stance convert the flow of your action into a right upward elbow strike directly under your opponent’s chin. All moves and strikes are to be in one continuous flow. 7. With your right elbow now above your head pivot counterclockwise while adjusting your angles and sink into a left reverse bow to buckle the back of your opponent’s left leg. 8. As you begin to pivot counterclockwise into a left neutral bow facing 4:30, have your left hand grab your opponent’s left shoulder, followed by your right hand grabbing his right shoulder, and with both of your elbows anchored turn your opponent’s body clockwise so he now faces 4:30. Keep your opponent from falling back and toward your. 9. Immediately pull your opponent’s shoulders down and execute a right knee kick to your opponent’s coccyx. This action should force your opponent to move forward toward 4:30. 10. As you plant your right foot toward 4:30 into a right neutral bow, execute two heel palm strikes to the back of your opponent’s shoulder blades as you force him onto his face and stomach. His head should be pointed toward 4:30 with his feet spread and open on the opposite end. 11. Left rear crossover on the inside of your opponent’s legs and deliver a right back heel stomp kick to the back of his testicles. 12. Have your right foot glide and slide over opponent’s left thigh and calf before executing a right front crossover, and cover out twice toward 10:30.

Honor - Integrity - Friendship - Respect​

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